Electromatix OÜ

Although our company started out in 2008 offering technical solutions in the field of entertainment, we have since focused mainly on the creation of industrial automation. We are partnered with several successful manufacturers in the textile, timber, metal, food and peat industries.

We grab any opportunity to simplify industrial processes with both hands. Our goal is to not remove people from industrial processes altogether, but rather give them the chance to extract themselves from their more dangerous and unpleasant stages.

We provide industrial automation from the design and assembly phases through to subsequent development and maintenance. We build automated solutions for new devices as well as devices that are already in use.

Representation of a company head

Customers, who contact us, They have many questions. The main question is: “Why you are the best?”. At the moment, is not really a problem, not a lack of tenderers, however, a number of tenderers. You as a customer do not know who can offer best price and work, what you need to you.

Why our employees are able to offer you the best solution? Your referral to us until the equipment is ready, are our employees in constant communication with you, in order to create the desired solution. So our cooperation works: You talking about your needs and ideas and we perform them.

Kristi Tölp